This video shows Jack Dice (21), a college freshman and a passionate fishing lover, sharing his experience with Stix. Josh Smith did a terrific job interviewing our young and prospective member, so make sure to take a look.

Jack started fishing at the age of 11 on the lake close to his house, and this love and passion never faded. Our Travis Moran has recruited this incredible talent. Jack is all about tournament fishing, so his family helped him persuade a dream, buying him a kayak and putting him into kayak fishing. Later on, he started boat fishing and worked his way up from the bank close to the house to be a professional angler.

At the age of 14, Jack started making videos and posting on social media, his incredible success. Travis has discovered him through these YouTube videos and recruited him to be the face of Stix. This podcast is actually a true inspiration for all young people interested in fishing, showing that you don’t need to come from an angler’s family or have a lot of money to enter the fishing world and become a valuable member. Fishers simply love helping out and standing up for each other.